Register for Savour!’s Webinar - Let’s Talk Social Commerce on 13 Dec 21, 8PM
Despite the fact that Singapore has a population of 5.6 million people, the eCommerce sector in the city-state is exploding. It is said to be one of the biggest markets in Southeast Asia. The B2C e-commerce sector in Singapore is valued at $4.9 billion and is predicted to increase at an annual pace of 8.35% by 2021.
The countdown is on, as we’re excited to announce our upcoming webinar - Let's Talk eCommerce which will be happening on 13 December (Monday), 8.00pm-9.30pm SGT, on Zoom.
Register now by 12 Dec, 2359 here: tinyurl.com/registersavourwebinar
We will send you the Zoom meeting details after you register.
For those wishing to enter into the social commerce industry, this would be an excellent opportunity to obtain some insights and perspectives from 3 seasoned experts, who would be sharing their knowledge and offering useful advice as merchants and group buy leaders to individuals keen to break into this space and thrive in it. We would also be exploring the trends and opportunities that Singapore has in the social commerce space.
We'll be hosting the webinar with 3 other distinguished panelists that we invited in the poster.
Mark the date and share this wonderful opportunity with your network. See you there!