YOU'VE JUST GRADUATED, so obviously, the next step is to look for a job, right? Not so fast!
More and more, youths of today are going off the beaten path and starting their own initiatives, be they startups or volunteer missions. This generation is active about battling climate change, harnessing technology for good, and educating others… and it shows their interest in giving back.
So, there's no need to immediately jump into looking for employment. If there's a cause you're passionate about, why not turn it into something real? We've gathered some stories of young entrepreneurs whose efforts have inspired, encouraged and moved us, and we hope you may find in them ideas of your own.
Katrina Lee, 23, the woman behind Savour!, a one-stop B2B e-procurement and sponsorship web app platform. It allows its B2B customers easy access to the available products with just a few clicks.
While Katrina Lee, 23, was volunteering with community service clubs and non-profit organisations to distribute food rations to low-income households, she began to feel a gnawing dissatisfaction. Recipients did not want commonly donated items such as canned soup and instant noodles, staples which most of them already owned, and manual processes were inefficient and time-consuming.
Determined to tackle this supply-demand mismatch, she decided to do something different.
That impulse became Savour!, one-stop B2B e-procurement and sponsorship web app platform offering regular, expiring, blemished and surplus food, as well corporate gifts, office suppliers and rental services.
"I want to digitalise procurement to save organisations more while saving the earth and empowering those in need," said Katrina.
Happy Chinese New Year! Savour! volunteers getting ready to distribute goodies to migrant workers so that all can share in the joyous New Year spirit.
With Savour!, much of the mess and fuss is gone and real help can take its place. This Chinese New Year, Western Union collaborated with Savour! in their CNY CSR 2021 Initiative. In under a month, Katrina and her team coordinated and distributed 1,500 CNY cookies to 1,500 migrant workers baked by low-income mothers in partnership with a social enterprise and four non-profit organisations over the CNY period – a quick turnaround time only possible with Savour!'s lean organisation and digital ability.
"We got inspired to do it as migrant workers were not able to celebrate this festive occasion with their loved ones so we wanted to do something nice to spread the festive cheer to them," she smiled, remembering the overwhelmingly positive feedback from partners and beneficiaries alike.
Katrina has found her goals for Savour! – to significantly reduce the massive food waste and food insecurity problem in Singapore with the tech solutions her platform provides.
She encourages other youths to do the same, and find a cause that inspires them. "Reflect on what is important to you in this world and find your purpose, a mission and a 'why'."
"If you have an idea. Just do it. Don't be afraid of rejections and embarrassing yourself. Entrepreneurship is not a smooth sailing journey, but I can say it is a meaningful and fulfilling one."
Shop now at www.savourapp.co !
Special mention to Bright Minds for their article feature: https://brightminds.jobscentral.com.sg/magazine/emag-2021/social-entrepreneurs.php