Introducing New Platform Features For Merchants (Q3 2022)
At Savour!, we are constantly improving the experience for both merchants and users to ensure the best user experience on our website as a one-stop cloud-based B2B e-procurement and sponsorship web and app platform connecting companies, non-profit organizations, and school clubs to merchants across the entire supply chain.
Therefore, we are proud to inform you that our team has released several new features in quarter 3 of 2022 for our Savour! Merchants, to help you, manage and organize the business here on Savour!’s platform to be even more efficient and effective:
Enable filter tag options to be selected by merchants
Make certain fields in the new product entry form compulsory/required
Show a message box when merchants log in for the first time. A Youtube playlist should be embedded in the box
Link to watch our Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3nnMqq-q93j5Augb8kWk0bPBh5fdy_JY
Include a message box to prompt merchants to install the mobile app when logging in for the first time
Link for downloading Savour!’s app:
Highlight existing fields in Inventory when clicked
When a user clicks on any of the following fields, the whole field should be automatically highlighted such that users do not have to manually remove the existing field.
Minimum Order
Unit Price
Original Unit Price
Available Quantity
Implement a Filter feature and a Sort feature for the merchant account ‘Inventory’ tab
Include headers for ‘Filter’ and ‘Sort’
Default: All
Listed status: Listed, Unlisted, Drafts
Category: Food, Gifting, Services, Materials
Logistic option: Self-pickup, Paid Delivery
Add a filter icon when filters are selected
Default: Dated added (Newest first) with drafts at the bottom
Alphabetical, Unit Price, Available Quantity, Minimum Order
Include a sort icon for Sort. Users can click on the sort icon to switch the direction of the arrow.
Up-arrow: Ascending order
Down-arrow: Descending order
Selected arrow should be orange in colour
Indicate up-arrow or down-arrow accordingly beside the header that is being sorted (eg. ‘Item’ as shown in image) - If possible, allow users to switch the arrow by clicking on the corresponding header
Display a tick for the option selected for Sort
Refresh icon beside ‘Inventory’ title of page to revert to default state of inventory
‘Save as draft’ and ‘Publish’ buttons for Inventory ‘Add entry’
Change ‘Add’ button to ‘Save as draft’
Add a ‘Cancel’ button
Add a ‘Publish’ button
Click on name or image of any item row to edit or view the item details
When a user clicks on the name or image of any item row, they should be able to edit or view the item details directly without having to click on the ‘Edit’ button.
Settings (General Admin Form) - Limit addresses to 10 and change 'Image' field title to 'Profile Picture/Logo'
When merchants are not done filling up the fields for a new product entry, and they attempt to leave the page, show a confirmation message box to ask if they are sure they want to leave the page
Add a search bar to the ‘Inventory’ tab for searching for items in the inventory
Fix ‘Remove’ button in ‘Enquiry’ tab
Before an Enquiry entry is deleted (Circled in red)
After an Enquiry entry is deleted using the ‘Remove’ button (Circled in red)
Show a confirmation message box when users delete a product from the list
Reduce input lag in search bar and implement a search button
After users fill in the details and sign up for a new account, an email verification code should be sent to the keyed email address. The verification code will be a one-time password (OTP), and it should expire in around 10 minutes
Fix ‘Forgot Password’ feature
Enable email sign-in
Users can sign in with email in addition to only signing in with username
Written by Louis & Kerrin
Louis is the Marketing and Communications Intern at Savour!
Kerrin is the Product Management Intern at Savour!