Highlights of Our CNY CSR Initiative with Western Union
Savour! is excited to share that we have successfully concluded our Chinese New Year initiative in collaboration with Western Union and Beyond Social Services to help make this year a bit more special for our migrant friends.
Savour! successfully concluded the initiative by managing to spread happiness among 1500 migrant workers for this Chinese New Year. Savour! would like to specially thank Western Union for collaborating with us to make this CNY CSR initiative happen.
Where this collaboration enabled the gifting of 1,500 CNY cookies and empowerment of 1,500 migrant workers with learning new baking skills via the baking tutorial video produced. We look forward to collaborating on further initiatives and events together.
To watch highlights of this CSR CNY initiative on YouTube, click here!
The series of events started on the 4th of February 2021, where Team Savour! assembled at Bakers Beyond to conduct and shoot a baking tutorial video. Bakers Beyond is a community project started by Beyond Social Services, where low-income mothers come together to learn new baking skills and earn extra income. Click here to read our previous blogpost about the highlights of our baking show.
All the cookies made were then neatly packed to deliver to the 4 non-profit organizations we partnered with to help distribute to their migrant worker beneficiaries.
To begin with, on the 7th of February, Savour! visited three non-profit organizations to distribute 1,250 CNY cookies.
Migrant Workers’ Centre - Their focus is on improving the wellbeing of the migrants of Singapore and also ensure fair employment practices for them. 600 cookies were distributed to migrant workers from Koh Kock Leong Enterprise Pte Ltd.
We would like to specially thank R V Sathish Naidu, Head (Unions & Projects), Migrant Workers’ Centre, for coordinating this with us.
“On behalf of MWC, we would like to thank Savour! for your kind gesture during these difficult times and provide cheer and smiles to our migrant workers” - RV Sathish Naidu ( Head MWC)

Singapore Migrant Friends - It is a close knit family consisting of migrant workers from Myanmar, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Philippines. Here, everyone shares, cares and stands by one another. 250 cookies were distributed to Sembawang QBD.
We would like to specially thank Ingie, Founder and Community Organizer, Singapore Migrant Friends, for coordinating this with us.
“It’s a very happy moment and a happy day to collaborate with Savour!. It is a good feeling that we are contributing in sending cookies to the dormitories with our fellow migrant friends” - Ingie (Founder and Community Organizer, Singapore Migrant Friends)
AGWO - It is an initiative of the Hope Initiative Alliance who aim to not just provide care but also provide it in a sustainable manner, to all guest migrant workers in Singapore. 400 cookies were distributed to migrant workers at JTC Tuas CNY Event at Tuas South Recreation Centre.
We would like to specially thank Sam, Head, Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO) under Hope Initiative Alliance, for coordinating this with us.
“It is such a pleasure to have you guys. We are really appreciative of partners like Savour! and Western Union who are generously donating cookies and various treats for the guest workers. Our role is to show appreciation and love and respect to our guest worker friends and we really can't do that without our partners “ - Sam ( Head AGWO)
After visiting the above organisations, on the 14th of February team Savour! went to distribute 250 cookies at Crisis Relief Alliance (CRA). CRA - Plays a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak in migrant worker dormitories, distributing food and supplies, medical support, and even facilitating communication between dormitory operators and migrant workers. 250 cookies were distributed to migrant workers at a CNY event at Terusan Recreation Centre.
MP Ms Rachel Ong and MOM ACE Chief Tung also came down to support the distribution of Savour!’s cookies. They were highly thankful towards Savour!’s support and care for the migrant workers. We would like to specially thank Michael, Head, Crisis Relief Alliance, for coordinating this with us.
“ This event is organized by Crisis relief Alliance and we are celebrating CNY with our migrant brothers, one one counter we are selling tangerines, on the other we have cookies, Thanks to Savour! for that and then we have chicken or fish” - Micheal’s daughter ( Head CRA)
You can check out the highlights of our initiative on our social media pages like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Telegram.
Written by Madhupriya Rao
Madhupriya Rao is a Communications and Marketing Intern at Savour!